
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”~Oscar Wilde

Got Skills Volunteer_2

Volunteer And Save A Life!

 Do you love animals? Can’t adopt or have a pet of your own? Have a bit of free time and energy to donate to helping the adorable animals that come to the Shelter find their forever homes?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, we’d love to have you as part of our Avery Humane Society Volunteer family! You’ll have an opportunity to meet like minded people and many new friends (not just the four-legged kind).

Joining our volunteer program is very rewarding. Call or email Jennifer@averyhumane.org for application or questions. For liability reasons all volunteers have to be 16 years of age. However, children 12-15 years can volunteer if with a parent or guardian who MUST stay with them at all times. We're sure you understand children cannot be left unattended in the shelter.

Please call and let us know you are coming to one of our next volunteer orientations:

Sun. April 13th @ 12pm

Tues. April 15th @1pm

Sun. May 4th @12pm

Tues. May 6th @1pm

Sun. June 8th @12pm

Tues. June 10th @1pm 

Download the volunteer application below and send to jennifer@averyhumane.org

Volunteer Application 2023

828-733-2333 ask for Jennifer!!

ATTENTION: Court ordered community service or community service before court is different than volunteering.

If you have community service to do please contact Charlene, Tuesday through Friday at 828-733-6312.

Divider Bones
rescue readers NEW 

We’ve got something exciting happening at the shelter! Rescue Readers pairs kids, ages 6-12 years, with our shelter cats for reading sessions.  It’s a win-win: the cats become more adoptable, while helping the kids improve their reading skills in a fun, relaxing, non-judgmental environment.

If you know any book loving kids or kids that just want to improve their reading skills, we encourage parents or guardians to reach out to Jennifer Gregoire, our new Volunteer Coordinator, for more information. Tuesday - Friday, from 12p.m. to 4p.m. 828-733-2333 or email her at jennifer@averyhumane.org.